Competitor Resources
Area Representative
Area Representative
Area Representative
Area Representative
Collegiate Representative
A certified small group bible study/devotion for coaches and athletes.
A certified ministry event that uses the annual theme and scripture for athletes and coaches to develop athletic skills, create influential relationships and encounter Jesus Christ.
FCA Coaches Ministry is the ministry program to coaches through huddles, events, training and resources.
International Trips
FCA offers a variety of trips with FCA staff and other partner organizations around the globe.
1. Download the app and create an account
2. Befriend JUSTIN HELLYER. You can search for him by entering JHELLYER@FCA.ORG in the search bar after clicking the “find” tab in the upper right corner of the “friends” menu.
3. After becoming your friend, JUSTIN HELLYER will invite you to the WALK RUN BIKE PRAY 4 FCA challenge, where you can track your workouts and see how your fellow competitors are doing!
Of course! Along with the month long challenge, we will be having weekly winners for each category - walk, run and bike!
Yes! Sponsors can be recruited throughout the month of October.
No! You can complete as many miles as you want in 30 days.
Mary Garrett (856) 217-8181
PO Box 98
Moorestown, NJ 08057